Taking Care of Your Lashes

Aftercare is a huge part of ensuring your lashes not only look great, but last. At your initial appointment with us, you’ll receive a wallet card outlining the Do’s & Don’ts, but here’s a more in-depth rundown.

Firstly, it’s best to wait 24 hours after your appointment before getting your lashes wet. Despite using a curing serum that essentially means you can wet your lashes straight away, we still advise against. Why? Because there’s still a small chance that moisture could release fumes from the glue, resulting in eye discomfort (or stinging). Better to be safe than sorry right?

Secondly, avoid oil. Oil breaks down the adhesive used to apply your extensions. Oil can be found in a lot of products such as foundation, creams, serums, face wash and so on. Be sure to double check the ingredients in any products used around your eyes. And for all the oily skin girls, ensure you regularly wash your face to keep the oils at bay.

Lastly, keep them clean! You can buy aftercare packs in the salon containing a specialised lash wash and lash cleansing brush. Your lash wash is a lovely soft foaming (oil free!) cleanser. To clean your lashes, apply the foam and gently work it into the lash line with your brush. Thoroughly rinse with water, pat your lashes dry and voila! Nice clean lashes. This should be done 1-2 times per day.

A few other tips for keeping your lashes looking lush:

1. Don’t apply mascara – it not only clumps your extensions together, it also breaks down the adhesive as it contains oils. Also, it’s super hard to effectively remove so it starts to build up in your lash line, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Yuck! Want to wear mascara on your bottom lashes? No worries, just PLEASE make sure you remove it all every night to avoid the mascara transfering to your top lashes.

2. DON’T pick your lashes!! This can not only cause gaps, but in the long run it can lead to a condition called traction alopecia = permanent lash loss.

3. Brush them daily. This will help keep those naughty ones in line. I love to keep a spare (clean) spoolie in my car, bathroom, bag and so on.

4. Avoid heat. This includes cigarette smoking, hot kitchens, saunas, blow dryers and so on. Heat straightens out the lashes and direct heat (like an open flame) can melt them

5. Make sure you book your infills. This is super important because at each appointment we’ll remove any outgrown extensions that could potentially cause damage to your NL by weighing it down.

Got some more questions about aftercare? Flick us a message, we’re always happy to help out! Gigi xx

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